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Episode 25: Cat Hat, Teats, and Hamster Wheels

Hey Sis, Eat This Podcast
HEY SIS, EAT THIS PODCAST: Cat Hat, Teats, and Hamster Wheels

Episode 25: Cat Hat, Teats, and Hamster Wheels

Courtney and Whitney are out of town this week but Whitney won’t let the sisters have a break. Instead we’ve put together a compilation of our most hilarious pet stories. Some oldies but goodies along with some new releases. Momma Ashley talks about our beloved dogs and our bat shit crazy cat Chelsea, whom she had a very interesting way of transporting to the vet. Our favorite identical twins, The Bishea's from episode 17, discuss with us Mary’s disgust of family pets while Emily reveals why they were never allowed to have any more pet fish. Andy, David, and Christine Odom from episode 14 have us LOLing when describing the simultaneous births their two cats endured. Lastly, we can’t have a pets episode without Andy and Dave Nolan reminiscing about Bandit the pissing sheep dog and a new story about Lady the old dog puppy. This episode will have you howling with laughter!


Love you, love your show!

Courtney & Whitney


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